If an on-the-job injury prevents you from working, workers’ compensation benefits can provide you with a financial lifeline that helps you pay your medical bills and make up for a portion of lost wages. How are those benefits calculated? The answer depends on several factors, including the severity of your injury, your recovery timeline and the amount you were making before it occurred.
The Florida work injury lawyers at Berlin Law Firm understand how important workers’ compensation benefits are to you and your family. We will do everything in our power to help you obtain the maximum amount of benefits available under Florida’s workers’ compensation laws.

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The 4 Types of Workers’ Comp Wage Benefits
In Florida, there are four types of workers’ compensation benefits covering wage loss available to injured workers:
- Temporary total disability
- Temporary partial disability
- Permanent impairment
- Permanent total disability
In the following sections, we will discuss the numbers, formulas and other factors that govern how these benefits are calculated.

Temporary Total Disability (TTD)
Workers who are injured severely enough that they cannot perform any of their job duties are paid temporary total disability benefits.
TTD benefits equal two-thirds of your average weekly wage before you suffered your injury, up to a legal maximum that is set by Florida law. The maximum rate in 2024 is $1260.
For example, if your average weekly wage was $1200 prior to your injury, your TTD benefits will equal two-thirds of that, or $800. If your average weekly wage was $2400, you will receive the maximum rate ($1260 in 2024), because two-thirds of $2400 exceeds the maximum limit.
You will continue to receive TTD benefits until one of the following events occurs:
- You recover from your injuries and your doctor clears you to go back to work
- Your doctor determines that you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI)
- The time limit for TTD benefits—two years—expires
Once you have reached MMI or two years has passed and you are still disabled, you may be eligible for permanent benefits, which we will discuss further down on the page.

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Temporary Partial Disability (TPD)
If your injury allows you to do some work, you may receive temporary partial disability (TPD) benefits, but only if you are making less than 80% of your pre-injury weekly wage.
How to calculate the amount of your TPD benefits: take 80% of your pre-injury wages, subtract the amount you are making with work restrictions, and multiply the total by 0.8.
For example, if you were making $1200 per week before your injury and you are making $600 now with restrictions, your TPD payment would be 80% of $1200 ($960) minus $600 ($360) times 0.8, or $288.
Permanent Impairment Benefits (PIB)
If your injury is permanent, you will be entitled to permanent impairment benefits, but only after you have reached maximum medical improvement or two years have passed and your temporary disability benefits expire.
The amount of PIB benefits you receive is equal to three-quarters of your temporary total disability rate. For example, if your TTD benefits were $800, your PIB benefits will total three-quarters of that, or $600.
If you are permanently disabled but still able to work to some extent, the duration and amount of benefits you receive will be largely determined by your doctor’s evaluation of your injury and an impairment rating they will assign to you. If you know your impairment rating, you can calculate your benefits by using this calculator provided by the Florida Department of Financial Services.
Permanent Total Disability (PTD)
If your doctor determines that your injury is so serious that you will never be able to work again, you will be eligible to receive permanent total disability benefits.
PTD benefits are the same amount as temporary total disability benefits, or two-thirds of your average weekly wage.

Workers’ Compensation Pays for Medical Expenses and Vocational Training
In addition to the benefits described above, workers’ compensation also should pay for all expenses related to your treatment and recovery, as long as they are reasonable and directly related to your job injury. Workers’ comp also pays for vocational rehabilitation in the event your injury requires you to undergo training to adjust to a different job or new work assignments.
Talk With a Lawyer Who Can Help You Obtain the Benefits You Deserve
The attorneys at Berlin Law Firm have significant experience standing up for the rights of injured workers in Sarasota, Tampa and throughout Florida. If you need representation for a workers’ compensation claim or appeal, contact our law offices today for a free initial consultation.

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