Florida Workers’ Compensation Laws

In Florida, Workers’ Compensation Law found in Sections 440.01–440.60 of the Florida Statutes assures “the quick and efficient delivery of disability and medical benefits to an injured worker and to facilitate the worker’s return to gainful reemployment at a reasonable cost to the employer.” However, this is not always the case. Workers’ compensation insurance companies employ various methods to deny your claim or minimize the compensation benefits you are entitled to.

At Berlin Law Firm, we have over 30 years of experience handling workers’ comp claims and appeals for employees in Sarasota, Tampa, and throughout Florida. Our team knows all of the insurance tactics and will not let their methods work to deny you the compensation you are entitled to and deserve. If you’ve been injured due to a work-related incident, we can help. We want to educate and inform you of all the options usually hidden from you. Schedule a free consultation today.

Am I Eligible for Workers’ Comp?

Under Florida labor laws, most businesses are required to purchase workers’ compensation insurance coverage for their employees, including full-time, part-time, and seasonal workers.

Common injuries that are covered include the following:

  • Lacerations
  • Broken bones
  • Brain damage
  • Burns
  • Hearing Loss
  • Falls
  • Strains and sprains
  • Toxic exposure

For example, if you were injured because a machine malfunctioned, got into an accident while making deliveries, tripped on a rug in your office, slipped and fell on a slick surface, or engaged in any other work-related tasks, you are likely covered. If you were hurt while commuting to work or having lunch with colleagues, you are likely not eligible for benefits.

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What Benefits Can I Expect?

Florida workers’ compensation laws allow injured workers to obtain the following benefits:

  • Wage loss: If your work injury leaves you temporarily disabled, your wage loss benefits typically equal two-thirds of your average weekly wage. Permanent disability benefits are based on your average weekly wage and a disability rating given to you by your doctor.
  • Medical bills: Workers’ comp should cover all medical bills related to the care and treatment of your work injury, including surgery, hospitalization, medication, and physical therapy.
  • Vocational rehabilitation: If your work injury forces you to adjust to a new position, workers’ compensation should cover the cost of training.

Remember, just because Florida workers’ compensation laws entitle you to certain benefits does not mean it will be easy to obtain them. You may meet resistance from the insurance company or your employer, who may try to limit or deny the benefits you are entitled to. Our skilled Florida work injury lawyers know how to address these tactics and can provide the strong representation you need to prevail against them.

Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Strict time limits apply when filing a workers’ compensation claim in Florida. You must notify your employer within 30 days of your injury. After you report your injury, your employer should refer you to an approved doctor. Your employer has seven days to notify their workers’ compensation insurance provider of your injury. After reviewing the circumstances of your accident and your medical treatment, the insurance company will either approve or deny your claim.

You can improve your chances of a successful outcome by:

  • See an approved healthcare provider, and follow your doctor’s orders and treatment plans.
  • Document your injury and how it affects your day-to-day life—does it prevent you from bending, stooping, sitting, or performing other work-related activities?
  • Be cautious about what you say to insurance company representatives—they may try to get you to say things that hurt your case.

A denied claim is not the end of the process. The Florida workers’ compensation system allows you to appeal the insurance company’s decision. However, you should hire a skilled lawyer to help. At Berlin Law Firm, we understand the nuances of Florida work injury laws and can give you the best chance of getting your claim approved.

Contact Berlin Law Firm for a Free Case Evaluation

If you have questions about Florida workers’ compensation laws and how they apply to your on-the-job injury, we are here for you. Our skilled and dedicated team has a deep understanding of these statutes so we can provide injured workers with the trusted legal guidance they deserve.

Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help you obtain the workers’ compensation benefits you need after suffering a serious on-the-job injury.

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